
This one-day course is for personnel seeking PALS recertification.
If you are a PDH team member, please use a non-work email to register for this course.

Description: Designed to aid the pediatric healthcare provider in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage critically ill infants and children, resulting in improved outcomes.

Audience: The one-day recertification course is for personnel renewing PALS certification.

To register for one-day recertification course, complete the Booking Form below.

Upon submitting your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to access the pre-test. Attendees must pass a pre-test with 70% or higher prior to course. Bring your current CPR card, current PALS card and copy of the completed pre-test to class.

Location: Quincy Fire Department, 505 Lawrence St, Quincy, CA 95971

Time: 9 am

Cost: $125.00 payable by cash or check only. No charge for PDH employees.

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Employee or Contracted Employee - $0 Recertification Class - $125

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